Sunday, April 3, 2016

Wood Deck Stripping and in Richmond, VA also known as Southern Home Renovations

So, you are thinking about taking on a Wood Deck Cleaning project and you are looking at all of the various sealants available. It is mind-boggling to think what you have on the deck. Cleaning it will get the mold and mildew off, but then what?

Clear sealant offers protection, but it lacks in the beauty in which a water-sealant with a tint can offer your wood. We are always here to help you if you are going to do this yourself. But, truthfully, for a small amount of labor charge, you would really save yourself money in the long-run. Certain stains will not come off of the deck. Certain stains will come off, they might just not look right unless you use the perfect sealant on top of the wood. You want to make sure you use a proper stain-stripper. Then, choose the perfect sealant.


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